Martin D. Singer

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 11.24.14

* Want to see a group of assistant district attorneys from the Bronx throwing up gang signs in their holiday photo? Of course you do! How seriously is the Bronx DA's office taking the picture even though local defense attorneys are pissed? Not very! [New York Daily News] * "What he did was out of line, inappropriate, unnecessary, and hurtful." There's a scandal brewing over at Mercer Law, where a professor apparently thought it would be prudent to use the "N-word" during his constitutional law class. [Macon Telegraph] * Gilberto "Cannibal Cop" Valle wants his conviction for illegally accessing NYPD databases to be overturned to improve his chances of getting into law school. He shouldn't be worried -- some schools accept convicted murderers. [New York Post] * Thelen LLP's bankruptcy case, first filed way back in 2009, is finally moving towards its conclusion. The last holdout partners who refused to settle must now pay back their monthly draws from the firm's final year. Too bad, so sad. [National Law Journal] * Ladies, have a pudding pop: Martin D. Singer of Lavely & Singer, better known these days as Bill Cosby's lawyer, wants the media to stop publishing "unsubstantiated, fantastical stories" about the comedian's alleged rape victims. [Chicago Tribune] * The grand jury in the Michael Brown shooting is still undecided on the case. Perhaps they'll have a decision before Thanksgiving so everyone in Ferguson can enjoy their turkey in peace (or in protest, depending on how it comes out). [CNN]